Jonathan punched the man right in his face and screamed "Go away Peter, get the hell away from me, junkie!".
Peter Bourne was a man who used to work with Jonathan at the "Luxury"-magazine. The two men was buddies in high school and Jonathan had hired Peter to work with him and his "Luxury"-empire. Everything had gone well until the day when Jonathan had discovered that Peter had slept with Jonathans wife Samantha. Jonathan had forgiven his wife due she had clamed that Peter had druged her. Peter on the other hand, had claimed that he and Samantha always have had a "thing" going on, ever since high school (Back then, Samantha used to hang with both Jonathan and Peter). Even if any evidence of any drugs never was found, Jonathan had fired Peter.
Peter was about to leave the church, when he looked at Samantha. They exchanges looks and at the same time, Samantha pointed at her purse. It almost seamed like they just confirmed that something had gone according to some plan.
Then he just ran away. Samantha smiled to herself.
Why were Peter at the church? And what "plan" does he have with Samantha. Or do they even have a plan? Why else did they exchange looks like they did? Stay tuned for tomorrows episode of "Price of Luxury"...